This page is dedicated to pictures of our cats.
Pandora and Pixel touching! (Apr 03)
Buried in laundry (Nov 02)
Closeup of Pixel in laundry (Nov 02)
Stripies together! (Jan 02)
Pixel on his tower(Jan 02)
Caught on top of the door (Jan 01)
Um, how do I get down? (Jan 01)
Sleeping together (Jan 02)
Amazon now shipping cats! (Dec 01)
Piwhacket looking sleepy (Apr 00)
Pixel enjoying a scratch in David's arms (Apr 00)
Pixel taking a break in the native grasses (Mar 00)
Pixel hiding in the grasses -- he likes to attack them, too (Mar 00)
Pixel just loves the scratching tower! (Feb 00)
Pixel on Jenn's shoulder (Jan 00)
Pixel climbing up the wall behind the bed (Jan 00)
Pixel the bookworm (Jan 00)
Pixel climbing off David's shoulder (Jan 00)
Pixel on David's shoulder (Jan 00)
Pixel sleeping on David's shoulder (Jan 00)
Pixel again (Jan 00)
Piwhacket by the pond (Jan 00)
Pixel discovers a shoe (Jan 00)
Pixel as a kitten (Jan 00)
Pi with attitude (Jan 00)
Pi in a mat (Feb 98)
Pi standing (Feb 98)
Piwhacket by our old landlords house (Feb 98)
Pandora in a tub (Feb 98)
Pandora in a tub (Feb 98)
Pandora & David (Apr 95)
Pandora & Piwhacket as kittens (Jan 95)
Buffy & Jenn (Sep 94)