--- Our House Gallery: October 1998 Garden Work ---
This page contains pictures of some of the garden work that was done in October 1998, after the earthmoving was completed.
This small garden is between the garage door and front door. It features two climbing roses, Dublin Bay and Iceburg, and several lavender. Soon we'll add a trellis for the roses to climb up -- they're growing quite quickly:

Looking down the left-hand boundary (from the front). In the foreground is scoria covering a drainage tube I installed to prevent water pooling against the side of the house. You can also see a small garden to the left of the garage door containing the same two kinds of roses and lavender as the one on the right of the door. Down this side of the house will be the fernery:

Two pukekos (PU-KEK-OH'S) that were near our house -- they like to hang around the nearby empty sections... we'll miss them when houses are built there:

Jenn's vege garden, near the kitchen. She has planted corn, tomatoes, lettuce, and zucchini, so far:

Our old Christmas tree has been planted in the front-right corner of the section, as it was getting too big to take indoors anymore. We might still string lights in it at Christmas time in its new location:

A view of our house and section from the front corner of the neighbouring section. Jenn can be seen working in her vege garden:

Another view, from the back corner:

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