--- Our House Gallery: November & December 1998 Garden Work ---
This page contains pictures of some of the garden work that was done in November and December 1998.
A view of the privacy trees around the back-left boundary of the section. The trees are planted on a raised mound, to add to the height -- in the future, we'll plant other trees and bushes in front of them. The trees are evergreen, fast-growing pittosporums. The black stuff is weedmat, which we will cover with bark when we can afford a truckload of it:

The privacy trees in the back-right corner. Also, in the foreground is our silk tree, which will provide good shade for the patio in summer when it gets bigger:

After making the front lawn area as smooth as was possible with the rough dirt, we got 5 cubic metres of sifted topsoil to make a smooth top layer. Jenn and I then spread it out over the lawn area:

We rolled and graded the topsoil level, then sowed the grass seeds:

The grass sprouting (watching grass grow is so much fun):

The first cut!

A trellis for the climing roses. There is one on each side of the garage door. The roses are growing quite quickly:

Jenn's vegetable garden, a few weeks after the veges sprouted:

The vege garden again, a month later. We've had lots of lettuce, some zuccini, and one strawberry from it so far:

This flowerbed out front is our annual feature -- we'll plant annual flowers there each year for an ever-changing display. At present it is fairly sparse, but it is an improvement over bare dirt!

We've planted this tree at the end of the annuals flowerbed. It is a NZ-native Pohutukawa (Metrosideros Excelsa), also known as the New Zealand Christmas tree, since it has attractive red flowers in summer. Jenn has a habit of naming our plants, and this one we named "Edna", after my Grandma, since we bought it with garden vouchers she gave us for Christmas. We also bought a Kowhai tree (not pictured), which we planted out the front too, and named it "George", after my late Grandad:

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