--- Our House Gallery: July to September 1999 Garden Work ---
This page contains pictures of some of the garden work that was done in July to September 1999.
Our back lawn, before its first cut:

Our native bush area, edition one. Unfortunately, this area got very boggy in winter, and the central trees died:

The mound in the Japanese garden, covered with bark. Notice also the growth of the boundary trees since previous months:

The front flower garden. One day all this will be flowerbeds, with a riverstone path on each edge of where the lawn is now. In the foreground is a standard rose, and flower seedlings:

David working on the final section of pond edge:

The completed pond (looking a bit green here). Now we just need a few more plants for in and around the pond:

Sometimes we regret buying a sports car -- we had to have our feature weeping flowering cherry tree out the sunroof to get it home!

And here it is, planted on the mound as the feature tree in our Japanese garden. The green dots on the mound are moss -- one day they should grow together:

Edition two of our native bush garden, with the riverstone pathway. Not much of a bush at present, but it has some trees that will grow reasonably big, including a Kowhai and Dodonaea Viscosa "Purpurea" (aka purple hop bush). We will add more shrubs and so on in the future to make a fairly dense bush area:

Looking from the Japanese garden, across the pond to the natives garden:

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