--- Our House Gallery: Construction #1 ---

This page contains pictures of the progress of building our house, from the initial excavations to the completion of the floor. The pictures are in reverse chronological order.

20 Mar 98: The concrete floor, finished. Jenn is visible to the left:

19 Mar 98: The concrete floor being poured and smoothed, looking from by the lounge. You can see drain pipes sticking up out of the concrete:

17 Mar 98: The framing arrived on-site today! It is all pre-nailed, ready to go up as soon as the floor is finished:

17 Mar 98: The blockwork for the footings was completed today. This shows the blockwork forming part of the lounge. It's higher off the ground than we would have liked, so we'll probably have to buy a few truckloads of dirt, to build up the remainder of the section to closer to floor level (particularly the patio):

17 Mar 98: This is a view of the blockwork from the back of the house. All of the area surrounded by the blocks will be filled with hardfill and concrete:

9 Mar 98: The concrete for the footings was poured today:

7 Mar 98: This is part of the reinforcing steel that will be embedded in the concrete footings. At present it is elevated above the ditch, to help construct it:

6 Mar 98: The trench for the footings has been dug, showing the outline of the house. This is part of the lounge:

4 Mar 98: This is a view of the layout profiles from the back-right corner of the section:

4 Mar 98: And these are the profiles from the front. The level of the floor is indicated by the horizontal boards:

12 Feb 98: We have a hole in the ground! Not much of one, admittedly; our section is very flat, so very little needed to be excavated:

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