--- Our House Gallery: Construction #6 ---

This page contains pictures of the progress of building our house, from tiling to completion of construction. I've included the dates the pictures were taken, and I've put the pictures in reverse order to make viewing easier.

16 July 98: The DishDrawer has been installed. This is a view of it with the bottom of the two drawers open. Each drawer is an independent dishwasher, each of which can operate separately or at the same time. See: http://www.dishdrawer.com/ for more information on the DishDrawer, a NZ innovation; it looks like it is now available in the US!

16 July 98: The fridge has been integrated; it looks like an ordinary cupboard with the doors closed, but when you open it up the fridge door opens with it (or in this case, the freezer). Very nifty:

10 July 98: A view of the tiles above the hob in the kitchen. The colour is actually blue, a close match of the cabinet colour, not grey as it looks here. Above the tiles you can see the rangehood, which was recently fitted; it is the tilting kind:

10 July 98: The main bathroom shower, after tiling (but before grouting):

27 June 98: A trench for the stormwater and sewerage pipes:

27 June 98: A pile of tiles in the main bathroom, awaiting the tiler. You can kinda see the heated towel rail in the background:

27 June 98: A closer view of the oven and hob. The oven is a top-of-the-line electric oven, with fully digital controls and lots of features. The hob is a gas one, with wok burner. Both are in stainless steel:

27 June 98: A view of the kitchen, showing the tiles, the oven, hob, and cabinets:

27 June 98: The tiles in the entry. We're very happy with how it has turned out so far (the tiles haven't been grouted yet); the pattern looks very nice, we think:

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