--- Our House Gallery: Northwood ---

This page contains pictures of the Northwood subdivision.

This is a view of the entrance to the Northwood Estate subdivision; these appear on either side of the road:

This is the start of our street (prior to the street sign being placed). The road is paved with cobble stones:

This is taken from further down our street. If you look at where the road curves around to the right, you'll see a car park on the right hand side of the road, just before the corner. Below that is a green box, which is a power transformer. Our section (site) is between those two points and extending back to the houses you can see being built at the right of the picture:

The street sign appeared! (We're easily excited.) In the background you can see the tree-clad hill that provides a nice backdrop for the subdivision. There's a children's playground near the base of the hill, which you can see in the distance:

David leaning on the street sign. To the right you can see Northwood Ave, the central road of the subdivision:

This is another view along Northwood Ave, captured from a video camera. Those plants to the right are in an island in the middle of the road. The road is nicely wide:

This is another view of the tree-clad hill. Unfortunately, the view is marred by the power lines:

Here is a close-up of the childrens' playground within the Northwood estate:

One of our neighbouring houses (two doors up from us), being built:

This is part of David's brother Neville's section, just up the road from ours. He has a walkway next to his, and he doesn't have any road frontage. See the Northwood Maps page for the location of his section relative to ours:

This is one of the other houses in the subdivision, to give you some idea of the type of houses. Ours will be of a similar style. This house (and the following one) were built by Universal Homes, which is the company that sold our section. Our house is being built by Golden Homes:

Another sample finished house:

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