So, remember my Throwback series of low-res photos of our New Zealand house? Here are some real estate pics from a few years ago, showing how much it changed since then. Subsequent owners removed my pond, but check out the size of those palm trees! #ThrowbackThursday
Month: November 2019
On the homestead blog: wading in the pond to clean the fountain pump.
Shady overflow channel at the back of our pond.
Ceramic pukeko garden ornaments. (Made by Kevin Kilsby in NZ.)
This morning I whipped up a dirt sifter out of a 2×4, a bit of hardware cloth, and other scraps of lumber, to enable things like more easily harvesting potatoes. 🔨
On the homestead blog: your weekly cat update, with the return of the old shelter, and more! #Caturday 🐈
On the homestead blog: your weekly flock update. The key to posting every day is a routine! #mbnov #FlockFriday 🦆🐓