Paladin has started bapping at a bee ornament hanging above the driver area in our motorhome, as a way to get attention. Sometimes he can be such a brat. 🐈‍⬛ #Caturday 

Cat bapping at bee ornament in motorhome

Paladin loves his red ball; he will chase after it, then pick it up and carry it, and drop it at our feet for us to throw again. How many other cats play fetch?! 🐈‍⬛ #Caturday 

Paladin with his red ball

Paladin with his red ball

Paladin with his red ball

Most cats enjoy chasing bugs. Paladin prefers to use tools like the BugZooka bug catcher (that uses bellows to create suction). 🐈‍⬛ #Caturday 

Cat and bug catcher