A pepperoni pizza made with Gus Mueller’s recipe and my sourdough starter, cooked in my indoor oven. Not my best shaping effort. A more interesting and chewy texture than my usual recipe, and turned out much better than my previous sourdough pizza attempt. 🍕
Day: 2020-06-05
On the homestead blog: welcome to day two of the ducklings. They’ve settled into their routine: eat, drink, poop, scamper, sleep, and grow. That’s the life of a duckling, at least for the first couple of weeks. 🦆
A GIF of a deer munching grass in front of our beehives early this morning.
On the homestead blog: a regular Flock Friday post about wild birds, chickens, and our adult duck; more duckling pics later. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
Today’s flowers are some irises in our fountain garden. 🌱