On the homestead blog: an update of my post with one picture of the ducklings and their breeds and names, now that they’re mostly feathered and grown. 🦆
Day: 2020-07-20
On the homestead blog today I tried to take pictures of each of the ducks so I could state their names. Plus I gave them some mealworm treats. 🦆
Yellow Cottage Homestead blog 🔗 #MediaMonday
I’m going to cheat again and link to one of my own blogs for this Media Monday. My homestead blog is where I post pictures of the ducks, chickens, feral cats, bees, gardens, and other homestead topics. Very wholesome.
On the homestead blog: I replaced a burst soaker hose in the veggie garden with better irrigation. (Plus another glimpse of today’s flower in the corner.)
Flowers of the day: some wild nasturtium growing in a corner of a veggie garden bed. 🌱