The answer to today’s question: a backpack sprayer. I spent a couple of hours this morning using it to spray weeds in our paths and gardens. I hand-pull weeds in areas around the ducks etc, but there are too many to do that everywhere. #WhatsItWednesday

Backpack sprayer

The photo challenge word for day 26 is “relentless” (suggested by @poetalegre). I can’t think of anything more relentless around the homestead than bamboo. I recently cut this grove to the ground, and it keeps on sprouting new stalks. 📷 #mbaug

Bamboo sprouts

CGP Grey just posted a couple of videos, one of them with an excellent productivity suggestion: Weekend Wednesday. Instead of five days on, two days off, he suggests two days on, Wednesday off, three days on, Sunday off. I think I’ll try it.

The photo challenge word for day 25 is “hope” (suggested by maique). This morning I tried to hand-feed leafy treats to the ducklings for the first time, with a hope that they’d take it. Spoiler: they did (more in tonight’s duckling post). 📷 #mbaug

Ducklings and treat