On the Dejus YouTube channel: a slow motion video of bees flying around and drinking from the small pool we provide for them. 🐝
On the homestead blog: bee water pool. #dejus365 🐝
On the homestead blog: bee inspection, with a possibly missing queen, and a marked queen. #dejus365 🐝
A bee on the outside of a hive box. #dejus365 🐝
On the homestead blog: new bees. #dejus365 🐝
On the homestead blog: bee inspection & treatment. #dejus365 🐝
On the homestead blog: bee inspection and treatment, with a sighting of the queen on one of the hives. 🐝
On the homestead blog: first beehive inspection of the year, and installing temperature sensors. #dejus365 🐝
I just backed an Indiegogo campaign for BroodMinder-T2 sensors, to monitor the temperature inside beehives. That should be very useful in helping keep an eye on the health of our hives.
On the homestead blog: bee inspection; passing of purple. #dejus365 🐝