Paladin enjoying the heated tile floor of our coach. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin enjoying his high place above the passenger chair in our motorhome. 🐈⬛🚌 #Caturday
Paladin demands morning snuggles while Jenn works. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
So many feet! And a cute little fang. Paladin enjoys his cardboard nest. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin just can’t resist a cardboard box. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin in a shoebox. 📦🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin is such a weird cat. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin enjoying a box and crinkly packing paper. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin asleep in one of his nests. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
We picked up Jenn’s office chair from storage; I’m not sure if she or Paladin missed it more — Paladin went right back to demanding snuggles when Jenn was sitting in the chair. 🐈⬛ #Caturday