On the Dejal blog: Introducing the first beta release of major upgrade to Dejal Simon, the website and server monitoring app for macOS: version 5.0b1, with the ability to sync between multiple Macs, check all links on a web page, and much more.
Time Out macOS app 💻 #MediaMonday
A Mac app to gently remind you to take regular breaks. Is it gauche to link to my own app? Too bad, it’s my site, and I do recommend it, of course. Plus, I wanted to remind you that you can get it for free at present.
On the Dejal blog, a Time Out tip: how can I avoid a break starting while doing a screen recording?
On the Dejal blog: a tip for Time Out to automatically skip breaks while on a Zoom call.
On the Dejal blog (last night): a DejalNews newsletter with Time Out gifts, 25 years of consulting, Dejal Subreddit, and more.
Fun… Dejal Time Out is in three of the top features on the Mac App Store at present: “Focus and De-Stress”, “Apps for Working and Staying at Home”, and “Give Yourself a Break”. It’s nice to be loved.
Remember that I’m currently giving away Time Out, to help you work from home: get the full features at no cost, no strings attached. Everyone deserves the best break reminder app for macOS. Please RT and share!
The Mac App Store is featuring apps for working from home, including Dejal Time Out, plus it is the Featured App of the day!