On the homestead blog: your weekly flock update. This week, I am highlighting 20 chicken-related pictures plus 12 duck pictures, along with a summary GIF of 59 candidates. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
The same pictures of ducks flapping wings in GIF form. 🦆
A couple of pictures of ducks flapping wings on the edge of the lawn this morning. 🦆
On the homestead blog: fabulously freezing Flock Friday, friends! (The temperature was below freezing overnight.) #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
On rounds this morning, it started raining, so the ducks ran up to the lawn to hunt for tasty worms that come to the surface during rain — using their wings to help them run up the bank. 🦆
Good morning ducks. 🦆
On the homestead blog: some hummingbirds, ducks, chickens, a jay, and even a cat. Plus some sad news. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
Some other pictures of the ducks from yesterday, that I considered for the photo challenge. (But I still prefer the one I chose.) 🦆
Hello ducks. A picture for the “a day in the life” photo challenge on Micro.blog, taken at noon PDT, an hour east of Portland, Oregon. #adayinthelife 🦆