On the homestead blog: the first Flock Friday with all of the ducks together! I have so many duck pictures, there aren’t any chicken ones this time — I’ll make sure to include some next week. #FlockFriday 🦆
On the homestead blog: the last of the daily posts concentrating on the new ducks. Starting with tomorrow’s Flock Friday post, I will include pictures of all of the ducks together, as one big happy flock. 🦆
On the homestead blog: the penultimate post on the newest ducks. Just them doing their ducky things. 🦆
On the homestead blog: just six pictures of the new ducks today. 🦆
On the homestead blog: today’s no-longer-ducklings post includes some night shots, some meals, some treats, adding another island to the pond, and mucking out the duck house. What’s your day like? 🦆
On the homestead blog: the new ducks spent the day on the bank of the pond, hanging out near the older ducks. 🦆
On the homestead blog, today’s the big day: I removed a panel of the duckling run and opened the pop door, letting the ducklings into the pond. Which I consider their graduation to calling them just “ducks”. 🦆
On the homestead blog: your weekly flock update. Plus, today’s the day: I’m going to let the ducklings into the pond today. Stay tuned for tonight’s duckling post! #FlockFriday 🦆🐓