On the homestead blog: another day in the duck house. When will I let them into the pond? Soon! How soon? I’ll let you know when I do! 🦆
On the homestead blog: day 50 of the ducklings; the big 5-0, and start of week 8. No summary GIF today; I took relatively few pictures, due to being busy with other stuff. But still some fun shots. 🦆
On the homestead blog: more duck(ling) names. It’s time to reveal the names we’ve chosen for the new ducklings, and the answer to the mysterious duck! 🦆
On the homestead blog: since @macgenie mentioned it, I included a GIF of me shoving Gimpy yesterday. Or more charitably, gently introducing a reluctant duckling to the concept of swimming, in a safe environment. Yeah, that sounds better. 🦆
On the homestead blog today: a mystery, shoving a duckling, showing off feathers, and another GIF summary of 75 pictures. Yep, I took a lot today. But first, 13 pictures of note. 🦆
On the homestead blog: a big Flock Friday today, with 33 photos of ducks and chickens, plus a GIF with those and 31 more at the end. I took lots of nice shots of the ducks, so wanted to share them. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
On the homestead blog: the ducklings are in their last week in the duck house and run. 🦆