On the homestead blog: 50 days of ducklings! 49 is seven weeks old, but 50 feels like a more significant number. 🦆
On the homestead blog: a few more days before the ducks have a free-range opportunity! Though I will be surprised if they all go out into the pond on the first day. 🦆
On the homestead blog today I tried to take pictures of each of the ducks so I could state their names. Plus I gave them some mealworm treats. 🦆
On the homestead blog: for today’s duckling post, we start with a cam picture from last night, then sleepy ducklings, then treat time. I’m starting to use their names more, too. 🦆
On the homestead blog today, in addition to the usual duckling run pictures, I have some pictures from up the path, and from the pond deck, including a GIF. 🦆
On the homestead blog: various pictures of the ducklings from this morning, plus a funny GIF from the cam. 🦆
On the homestead blog for Flock Friday this week, a bunch of pictures of our adult duck Bert, and a few chicken pictures. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
On the homestead blog: ducklings swimming, flapping wings, etc in today’s update. 🦆