A few people guessed the right answer this time: duck feathers! Yep, it’s a close-up of our duck, Bert. Here are another couple of bonus close-ups. 🦆 #WhatsItWednesday
On the Dejus YouTube channel, a time-lapse video of a week of our pond, including our duck swimming around, me cleaning out the duck house in preparation for new ducklings, and a heron sighting. Thanks to Camect for generating this summary video.
On the homestead blog for this week’s Flock Friday, lots of pictures of chickens, a couple of GIFs, and a bonus frog. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
On the homestead blog this week, GIFs of birds swooping, chickens fighting, and the duck flapping his wings, plus more pictures. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
On the homestead blog this week: followup on Gert, news about ducklings, a duck and bird GIF, and various chicken pics. Yep, it’s #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
On the homestead blog this week for Flock Friday, replacing the chicken run roof netting, and a bunch of pictures of ducks, chickens, and fish. #FlockFriday 🦆🐓
A video edition of the previous post on the Dejus YouTube channel: The ducks met me by the chicken coop, and were being particularly quacky.
Today’s moment of cuteness: the ducks being chatty, with the chickens in the background. 🦆🐓