Flowers of the day: a linden tree, popular with our bees, and a very pleasant fragrance. 🌱
Flowers of the day: silver ragwort, aka dusty miller, with cinnabar moth caterpillars. We encourage the caterpillars, as they eat tansy ragwort, which is toxic to animals. 🌱
Flowers of the day: Bachelor Buttons by the bird feeders. 🌱
Flowers of the day: snapdragons under the bird feeders. 🌱
Flowers of the day: yellow daylilies. 🌱
Flowers of the day: some wild nasturtium growing in a corner of a veggie garden bed. 🌱
Flowers of the day: one red daylily amongst a bunch of orange ones. 🌱
Flowers of the day: pansies. 🌱
Flowers of the day: beds of lavender. 🌱