The word for day 23 of the photo challenge is “station”. Here’s Portland’s downtown train station from 2005. I bet this view would be quite different nowadays, since the area in the background has gone through a lot of development. #mbfeb
The word for day 22 of the photo challenge is “spectacle”. Watching Rory lick sour cream off a spoon is quite the spectacle, with slobber and sour cream going everywhere. #mbfeb
The word for day 21 of the photo challenge is “progress”. The daffodils sprouting shows the progress towards spring. #mbfeb
The word for day 20 of the photo challenge is “scale”. I’ve just scaled back my wallet from a thick leather one to a new SlimFold wallet (thanks to Marco for the recommendation). #mbfeb
The word for day 19 of the photo challenge is “space”. Here’s a space between stones at a Stonehenge replica from our Hood River trip; more photos of it later. #mbfeb
The word for day 18 of the photo challenge is “oppose”. I decided not to oppose Apple’s notice that they’ll remove my Chicken GIFs iMessage sticker pack, since it hasn’t been updated in three years. #mbfeb
The word for day 17 of the photo challenge is “cool”. A frosty window on a cool morning. #mbfeb
The word for day 16 of the photo challenge is “rest”. Letting my roast potato and Canadian bacon pizza rest for a moment before cutting it and adding dollops of sour cream. Mmm, tasty. #mbfeb
The word for day 15 of the photo challenge is “balance”. Like most cats, Paladin has no trouble balancing on the narrow railing. #mbfeb
The word for day 14 of the photo challenge is “warmth”. With the cold days of winter, Pippin has been enjoying the warmth of his heated bed. #mbfeb