The challenge word for day 10 is “minister”. From October 2021, an info sign in the mining ghost town of Golden, Oregon describes how the town had no saloons but two churches, the ministers of which were also miners. 📷 #mbnov #ThrowbackThursday

Golden sign

The challenge word for day 9 is “certain”. I’m not entirely certain I want to do the Natural Entrance to Carlsbad Caverns and the Big Room Trail in the same day, but we’ll probably do both when we re-visit on Saturday. 📷 #mbnov

Caverns relief map

The challenge word for day 6 is “echo”. Bats use echo location, but it’s rare for there to be bats 830 feet below ground in the King’s Palace room in Carlsbad Caverns, where we visited yesterday. 📷 #mbnov

King's Palace room in Carlsbad Caverns

The challenge word for day 5 is “exempt”. No national park is exempt from being visited by us, and having its sticker on our coach. 24 down, 39 to go (and we’ll add a couple more this weekend; heading out to Carlsbad Caverns). 📷 #mbnov

National Park stickers

The challenge word for day 4 is “admiration”. Yesterday I fixed the macerating toilet in our coach that had stopped working, which earned my wife’s admiration. With an RV, one has to be somewhat handy, even if stretching the comfort zone. 📷 #mbnov

Toilet repair