Overcast iOS app 📱 #MediaMonday

I listen to a lot of podcasts on my iPhone, so it seems fitting that my first Media Monday post links to the app I use to listen to them. I tried several podcast apps for my listening style, and Overcast was the clear winner. I’ve used Overcast since it was first released, and it keeps getting better.

Every Friday I do a #FlockFriday post on my homestead blog, about my ducks and chickens. Every Saturday I do a #Caturday post about the feral cats I care for. Today I am starting a new series of blog posts on my Dejus blog: #MediaMonday.

Each Monday I will post a few sentences about a single piece of media: could be an app, a podcast, a blog, a TV show, a movie, or something else, along with a link to it. I’ll keep it short, so might be tweet/micro-post length when cross-posted to Twitter and Micro.blog, but probably will overflow, requiring reading on the blog, like this intro post.

(An app may be stretching the definition of media, but I’ll go with it.)

Where appropriate, I’ll use the text for my review on Apple Podcasts, the App Store, etc. I won’t include star ratings, at least initially; you can assume that the things I choose to write about are ★★★★★. Though I may change my mind about that later. And of course I may tweak the format, though I want to keep it simple.

Once I’ve done a few of these, I’ll add a page on my site to collect links to them in one place. They’ll also be available via the MediaMonday tag.

I hope you find these helpful!