As for the @dejal header, in addition to being green now, it is simplified to just three items, and the Apps item now shows a menu of my apps (or click the Apps link to go to the Apps page). That lets me remove the apps from the sidebars, and later the sidebars themselves.

Dejal apps menu

Speaking of @dejal, I’ve continued to tweak its website, very slowly modernizing it. Yesterday I pushed out a new green Dejal header and a shrinking and sticky app header. Here’s a GIF demo. I’m not a web developer, so I’m kinda proud that I could get this working fairly well.

Dejal website scrolling

People self-hosting WordPress sites and cross-posting to and/or Twitter: by default WordPress converts emojis to images, which breaks emoji-based tagging, among other issues. I just installed a plugin to disable that. 🔌🎉

I’ve decided to stop using the #dejus365 hashtag on my daily photo posts, since hashtags are a bit out-of-place on my favorite social platform,, and I don’t see sufficient benefit in using it. I still plan to post at least one photo every day.