An assortment of old CD-ROMs: CodeWarrior dev tools, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10.1 (Puma), 10.2 (Jaguar), 10.3 (Panther), 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 (Leopard), and iLife ’04 and ’05. #dejus365 #ThrowbackThursday
A fun sticker on my AirPods case from one of my favorite podcast networks, Relay FM. #dejus365
To followup on the #ThrowbackThursday last week, this time here’s the first Mac I owned, the Macintosh Plus, around 1989. Initially only with dual floppy drives. #dejus365
My computer desk in 1985, with my SpectraVideo SVI 728 MSX computer, greenscreen monitor, floppy disks, dot-matrix printer, etc. And lots of Mac screenshots on the wall, since I was dreaming of owning a Mac at that stage. #dejus365 #ThrowbackThursday
Comparing iPhone cameras
Since I recently got my new iPhone XS Max, and still have the old iPhone X (until I send it back, as part of Apple’s iPhone Upgrade program), I thought I’d compare the cameras, to see for myself the wider angle and better color handling of the new model.
Here’s a shot from the iPhone X:
And much the same shot with the iPhone XS Max; not too much different, though the sky gradient is more smooth:
Another example, from the X:
And the XS Max; the wider angle is more clear, and the darker areas (e.g. leaves) are more visible:
Testing facing into the sun on the X, with lots of lens flare:
On the Max, still with lens flare, but more detail is visible:
Lastly, another shot into the sun on the X:
And Max; again a wider angle, and more detail (e.g. in the shadows behind the tree), including a less blown-out sun:
It’s great how Apple continues to improve the cameras each year.
Since I just got my new iPhone XS Max, for #ThrowbackThursday this week I thought I’d compare it to my old Apple Newton, Palm V, and my first iPhone, the 3G. #dejus365
My shiny new iPhone XS Max, in gold. It’s a very subtle color, quite nice. Yay for the iPhone Upgrade Program; this is a minor update on my iPhone X, but I like the bigger screen and better camera. #dejus365