Today is the 35th anniversary of the introduction of the first Macintosh. So it seems only fitting that today’s photo of the day is of my Mac Plus, from 1989. Not the original model, though the same shape. But I did use the original in school. #dejus365 #ThrowbackThursday
An assortment of old CD-ROMs: CodeWarrior dev tools, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10.1 (Puma), 10.2 (Jaguar), 10.3 (Panther), 10.4 (Tiger), 10.5 (Leopard), and iLife ’04 and ’05. #dejus365 #ThrowbackThursday
A fun sticker on my AirPods case from one of my favorite podcast networks, Relay FM. #dejus365
To followup on the #ThrowbackThursday last week, this time here’s the first Mac I owned, the Macintosh Plus, around 1989. Initially only with dual floppy drives. #dejus365
My computer desk in 1985, with my SpectraVideo SVI 728 MSX computer, greenscreen monitor, floppy disks, dot-matrix printer, etc. And lots of Mac screenshots on the wall, since I was dreaming of owning a Mac at that stage. #dejus365 #ThrowbackThursday
Comparing iPhone cameras
Since I recently got my new iPhone XS Max, and still have the old iPhone X (until I send it back, as part of Apple’s iPhone Upgrade program), I thought I’d compare the cameras, to see for myself the wider angle and better color handling of the new model.
Here’s a shot from the iPhone X:
And much the same shot with the iPhone XS Max; not too much different, though the sky gradient is more smooth:
Another example, from the X:
And the XS Max; the wider angle is more clear, and the darker areas (e.g. leaves) are more visible:
Testing facing into the sun on the X, with lots of lens flare:
On the Max, still with lens flare, but more detail is visible:
Lastly, another shot into the sun on the X:
And Max; again a wider angle, and more detail (e.g. in the shadows behind the tree), including a less blown-out sun:
It’s great how Apple continues to improve the cameras each year.
Since I just got my new iPhone XS Max, for #ThrowbackThursday this week I thought I’d compare it to my old Apple Newton, Palm V, and my first iPhone, the 3G. #dejus365
My shiny new iPhone XS Max, in gold. It’s a very subtle color, quite nice. Yay for the iPhone Upgrade Program; this is a minor update on my iPhone X, but I like the bigger screen and better camera. #dejus365