WWDC week recap: Micro.blog, The Talk Show

Continuing my week-delayed recap of my WWDC week: on Tuesday I attended a meetup of the Micro.blog community from about noon (I was early):

Here’s a group photo (not taken by me):

Micro.blog meetup

The Micro.blog service is like a social layer on personal blogs, encouraging the idea of owning your own content, instead of donating it to social silos. As you may know, I host my Dejal, Dejus, and Yellow Cottage Homestead blogs on my own server, and cross-post them to Micro.blog, Twitter, Mastodon, and Facebook. Micro.blog is my preferred social network; the people there are generally more friendly than on Twitter, in large part to the way the service is designed, without casual likes, so people often reply with a more meaningful comment if they enjoy a post.

It was great to chat with lots of people there; some I’d met in person before, some only online, some new.

I was planning to attend the Automators meetup after the Micro.blog one, but by the time I left there, I didn’t have time, since I was going to meet with a client. Maybe next year!

That evening, I headed to the California Theatre for another podcast recording show, The Talk Show Live:

California Theatre

The foyer of the theater is rather fancy… and was very crowded:

California Theatre foyer

California Theatre foyer

I sat in the balcony, as I often do, though a bit further back than last year:

California Theatre balcony

Here’s our host, John Gruber of Daring Fireball, pulling a Playdate out of his pocket:

John Gruber

John was joined on stage by Apple execs Greg Joswiak and Craig Federighi for a fascinating discussion (video and audio versions are available if you missed it):

Greg Joswiak, Craig Federighi, John Gruber

Afterwards, I scooted back to my hotel room for the night:


Tomorrow, Wednesday’s highlights.