Actually, I should have gone with perhaps my favorite Star Wars quote: 💬 #mbmay

…you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.

— Obi-Wan Kenobi

Late to the party, but I just got a new gadget: the 12.9” iPad Pro Magic Keyboard. Loving it so far. Though may need stands to raise up my iMacs, since it obscures the bottom third of the cams.

Magic Keyboard box

Magic Keyboard out of box

iPad Pro on Magic Keyboard

iPad Pro in front of iMac

A couple of pictures from a couple of weeks ago of a tree transitioning from blossoms to leaves, with lots of petal “snow” on the ground. 🌸🌳

Tree blossoms

Tree blossoms on the ground

Rory is sleeping in her crate with the door open now, and Paladin likes to visit her in the morning. Here is a GIF of him patting her, which she is conflicted about; she enjoys touches, but doesn’t enjoy claw scratches. 🐕🐈

Paladin patting Rory

Cat whiskers are so fascinating. Little sensors poking out from their cheeks, the single one below the ear, and others. Usually don’t notice them, but so important to the cat. 🐈



