It’s alive, ALIVE! It took 17 days, but my first sourdough starter has finally achieved doubling in size, and passes the float test. Now I have to figure out what to do with it. 🍞

Sourdough starter

Float test

Question: how much would you expect to pay for fresh eggs from a roadside farm stand? Our chickens are laying about a dozen a day at present, faster than we can give them away. We’re planning to put them by the road to sell. 🐓🥚

Egg cartons

Cooler lid

Today’s color is orange. Over the weekend we had a nice sneak peek of summer, eating BBQ steak and orange sweet potato (or kumara as it’s called in New Zealand) on our deck. 📷🌈 #mbmay

BBQ steak and sweet potatoes

BBQ steak and sweet potatoes