After moving to the US and living in an apartment for a year or so, we bought a new 1522 square foot townhouse in December 2002. We imagined we’d be there for a few years, but ended up staying a decade. #ThrowbackThursday
Month: May 2020
Another fave Douglas Adams quote: 💬 #mbmay
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
A favorite quote from Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, that I say or at least think pretty much every week: 💬 #mbmay
This must be Thursday … I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
The answer to today’s What’s It Wednesday question: it’s a fancy glass bird bath! A sure sign of Spring when it is brought out of storage. #WhatsItWednesday
Let’s play What’s It Wednesday again. What do you think this is? #WhatsItWednesday
A favorite quote from Robert A. Heinlein’s Farnham’s Freehold: 💬 #mbmay
No one ever does anything but what he wants to do — ‘enjoys’ — within the possibilities open to him. If I change a tire, it’s because I enjoy it more than being stranded.
A video edition of the previous post on the Dejus YouTube channel: The ducks met me by the chicken coop, and were being particularly quacky.
Today’s moment of cuteness: the ducks being chatty, with the chickens in the background. 🦆🐓
We have a wall of old-timey-style postcards to commemorate places we’ve visited. Since we won’t be visiting anywhere for a while due to COVID-19, we added a “Surf Your Couch” postcard to mark this time. Prints of this and other designs are available from the artist.
A favorite quote from Isaac Asimov’s Foundation books: 💬 #mbmay
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.