On the Sinclair Trails blog: no new Sinclair Trails blog posts next week. The next post will be on the 17th (see the post for more info).
On the Sinclair Trails blog: We drove our coach 288 miles, about five hours of driving, from Red Bay to Ozark, Alabama. (With lots of Paladin pics.) 🚌
An animated GIF of Paladin sleeping, with his whiskers twitching as he dreams. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin in a sunbeam. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin enjoying a sunbeam in our motorhome. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin sitting on Jenn’s desk. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin is a snuggly boy. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin is a strange boy. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin requires morning snuggles with Jenn most days. 🐈⬛ #Caturday
Paladin snuggling in my beard. 🐈⬛ #Caturday