The challenge word for day 21 is “ice”. Our coach and truck experienced a little ice and snow at a recent campground; something we try to avoid, being “snowbirds”; we head south for the winter. 📷🚌 #mbnov
From December 2013, Jenn walking on the frozen pond at our (former) homestead. #ThrowbackThursday
The challenge word for day 13 is “make”. Our power went out last night just before bedtime, and is expected to be out for possibly days, due to a big ice storm… which mean we have to make do with water jugs like this, since we’re on a well. 📷 #mbfeb
Some icy pics of the pond and surrounds from my morning rounds. ❄️🦆
The hummingbird feeders are partially frozen; might be time to add the heating pad. ❄️🐦
Some pics from my morning rounds just now of the ducks and a frosty duck house roof. It was very slippery out there, but not cold enough to freeze the pond yet. 🦆❄️
Fun ice patterns and maple leaves on a glass table on the pond deck. ❄️🍁
The challenge word for day 21 is “winter”. We haven’t had any snow yet this year, but a definite sign of winter is frosty ice crystals on the deck. 📷❄️ #mbnov