Yellow Cottage Homestead blog 🔗 #MediaMonday

I’m going to cheat again and link to one of my own blogs for this Media Monday. My homestead blog is where I post pictures of the ducks, chickens, feral cats, bees, gardens, and other homestead topics. Very wholesome.

Pod4Ham podcast 📡 #MediaMonday

A fascinating podcast about the musical Hamilton, where each episode features different groups of interesting people talking about a single track from the Original Broadway Cast Recording.

Daring Fireball blog 🔗 #MediaMonday

I hardly need to link to John Gruber’s blog, since it is very well known and respected in the Apple community, but it is one of the few blogs I read, so deserves a mention.

Upgrade podcast 📡 #MediaMonday

An excellent Apple-focused podcast, that talks about hardware, software, services, and related topics. Topical today, they have excellent discussion of WWDC announcements.