We’re now in Cancún for the Release Notes conference, with a vacation day on either side. Yesterday was the travel day, starting by waking up at 01:30 to head to the airport for about 7 hours of flights. But first/business is the way to go.
Hello Cancún.
In a couple of days Jenn and I will be heading to Cancún for the Release Notes conference put on by Joe and Charles! Not too late if you want to attend. Say hi if you see me there, and I’ll give you Dejal stickers; just look for the beard.
Congratulations to Stephen and Myke of Relay FM on their five year anniversary! My favo(u)rite podcast network; I listen to numerous of their shows, and am a member (highly recommended, if only for all the bonus content).
For day 11 of @macgenie’s photo challenge, and Throwback Thursday: gratitude for the beauty of nature. Here’s Crater Lake in southern Oregon from 2009. The bluest blue you’ll ever see. #dejus365 #ThrowbackThursday
Home now. We picked up Rory from the pet resort on the way. She always pants so much in vehicles. 🐕
Possibly the best fries I’ve ever had, and a tasty burger. At the Parrott House in Roseburg, on the way home.
A GIF of the creek from Ashland Creek Inn.
Last breakfast at Ashland Creek Inn before heading home. Until next year!
The classic architecture of the Ashland Springs Hotel (where we haven’t yet stayed; one day we’ll try it), and the sun-dappled hills beyond Ashland. #dejus365