I was just looking through pictures I have marked for future posting in my photo library, and noticed this fun GIF I made last year. It looks like our truck is on fire, but it’s just a reflection of a fireplace in the glass of a door, perfectly lined up. 🛻🔥

 Truck fire GIF

I got my first COVID-19 vaccination today (Moderna), at a drive-thru clinic (what’s more American than drive-thru vaccinations?!). Quite an easy process, and definitely a relief to start the clock on immunity. Back there in a month for number two. 💉🦠

Lines to get vaccine

Lines to get vaccine

15 minute delay afterwards

My vaccination card

Today we went to Home Depot for duck island parts, Costco for groceries (everyone was properly masked etc), then stopped for some tasty burritos from our favorite food cart on the way home. It’s been 4 months since the last time we ate something we didn’t make ourselves. 🌯

Le Torito Mexican food cart

The Micro.blog challenge word for day 28 is “mask”. Fortunately I don’t need to leave my homestead very often, other than for feed store or Costco shopping… but when I do, it’s time to put on my mask. Such is life in pandemic times. 📷😷🦠 #mbnov

David in a mask

Mask selfie when going to the post office and feed store today. Looks kinda silly with my beard, but it’s the way of the world nowadays. Wear a mask, people. 😷

David with a mask

The Micro.blog photo challenge word for day 11 is “transport” (suggested by odd). This morning I moved my (rather dusty) truck in preparation for going out to transport the new ducklings home, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. 📷 #mbaug


I’m fortunate that I don’t need to leave the homestead very often: it’s been 57 days since the last time, when I picked up the ducklings (and I went 61 days earlier this year). But today I did, to get duck and chicken food, straw, and mower gas.

David with a beard mask

Duck and chicken food, straw, mower gas

Chicken food

David after storing straw