Video: today I reassembled the fenced run for the latest ducklings. I got a bunch of pictures that will be in today’s ducklings blog post. Here are two clips: playing in the mud, while Betty quacks at them, plus using the paint tray pool. 📹🦆
Today is the three year anniversary of adopting Paladin. Here is a video from three years ago today. After meeting and falling in love with Paladin at the cat shelter, he was cutely vocal in wanting to come home with us. 📹🐈
CGP Grey just posted a couple of videos, one of them with an excellent productivity suggestion: Weekend Wednesday. Instead of five days on, two days off, he suggests two days on, Wednesday off, three days on, Sunday off. I think I’ll try it.
A video on my YouTube channel: today I introduced the latest ducklings to leafy treats, which they immediately loved. 📹🦆
The photo challenge word for day 12 is “sound” (suggested by rnv). I enjoy the peeping sound of our latest day-old ducklings. Listen to the peeping and watch their wobbliness in this video (a ducklings photo post will be coming later today). 📷📹🦆 #mbaug