Yesterday’s second attempt at sourdough bread turned out a bit better than the first time, though still a bit too much hydration, I think. 🍞

Sourdough bread

Sourdough bread

An excellent but underrated Heinlein book is Citizen of the Galaxy, literally a rags to riches story. Here’s a favorite quote I live by: 📚💬 #mbmay

A wise man could not be insulted, since truth could not insult and untruth was not worthy of notice.

A couple of people managed to identify it based on the second clue. The What’s It Wednesday mystery object this week was a springform pan. Congrats to those who got it, better luck next week to everyone else! #WhatsItWednesday

Springform pan

Nobody has guessed the What’s It Wednesday picture today, so here’s another clue. I’ll reveal the answer in an hour or so. #WhatsItWednesday 

What is it?