Today is a notable milestone for me: I have now been married for exactly half of my life. 9445 days between my birth and wedding date; 9445 days between our wedding date and today. (My birthday is in May, our anniversary in April, and now it’s February… funny how time works.)
Day: 2021-02-09
We both woke up at around 03:30 this morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep, eventually giving up and getting up around 05:30. That used to be a normal time for us, but we’ve been more like 07:00 of late. Today is going to hurt. 😴💤
The challenge word for day 9 is “muddy”. Guess what happens when you add dirt and water together? Some muddy glop. But great for the base of the new duck island. 🏝🦆📷 #mbfeb