I’ll do a homestead blog post about today’s beehive inspection (and honey harvest!) another day, but for today, a bee suit selfie. Yeah, tucking my beard in there isn’t easy, but catching it in the zippers is worse. #dejus365

David in a bee suit

Hawaii day 5

We spent our last full day in paradise relaxing in a “cabana” in the “coconut grove”, a somewhat secluded area past the swimming lagoon:

View of the lagoon from behind the cabana:

View from the cabana:

A piña colada, for a change from the mai tais:

We also had a couple of swims in the lagoon; the second of which was snorkeling. This was only my second time with that, so I wasn’t very good at it, but it was more fun and successful than my previous attempt, on our previous visit to Hawaii years ago.

We saw lots of colorful tropical fish, and Jenn saw a shy octopus, moray eel, humuhumunukunukuapua’a, several kinds of urchins, parrotfish, tangs, moorish idols, black triggerfish, etc. No pictures of those, unfortunately!

In the evening, we went to a lū’au. Here’s a selfie:

Some of the audience:

Jenn got a temporary tattoo:

After feasting, we had a performance of Polynesian dancing:

Sadly our time in Hawaii is coming to a close; next up, heading home.